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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ostrich people

You people out noticing the strange topic of my posting would probably have your jaw dropping right now when you see this!

weird right. If you think that I have edited this picture... well let me tell you that you are so wrong.

There is a whole tribe of people with these ostrich like feet in Zimbabwe!

The Vadoma, also Wadoma (singular Mudoma) are a tribe living in the west of Zimbabwe, especially in the Urungwe and Sipolilo districts on the Zambezi river valley. They have few contacts with the Bantu majority.
A substantial majority of this tribe has a condition known as ectrodactyly in which the middle three toes are absent and the two outer ones are turned in, resulting in the tribe being known as the "two toed" or "ostrich footed" tribe. This is an autosomal dominant condition resulting from a single mutation on chromosome number seven. It is reported that those with the condition are not handicapped and well integrated into the tribe. Indeed it may help in tree climbing. The Kalanga of the Kalahari desert also have a number of members with ectrodactyly, and may be related.
The Vadoma are a popular example of the genetic effects of small population size on genetic defects and mutation, in a case of blatant inbreeding depression. Due to the Vadoma tribe's isolation, they have developed and maintained ectrodactyly, and due to the comparatively small gene pool, the condition is much more frequent than elsewhere.

So next time when you visit anywhere keep your eyes open and be more aware!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Okay, so my sister just came back from school. And I did not go to school cause i have a stoach ache(actually i did'nt finish my homework) He He He. Anyway when i asked her what happened in school she told me that her science teachr(Cikgu Maizura) told her class about HANGIGNG COFFINS!
I know! The word Hanging coffin is just weird what more the explanation.

 Hanging coffins are coffin that have been nailed to cave. Weird! But they can only be found in China, Fillipines and Indonesia. The minority of Bo people started this ritual of burial.

The mysteries of Bo people:

Why did the Bo people bury their dead in hanging coffins? How did they do it? And why did the Bo people disappear?
The Bo were an ethnic minority people living astride the borders of modern day Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. There they created a brilliant culture as early as 3,000 years ago. The Bo differed from other ethnic groups in their burial customs. Typically hewn from durable hardwood logs, their hanging coffins went unpainted. The most recent hanging coffins were made up to about 400 years ago in the middle and later periods of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), while many of the earliest ones date back 1,000 years to the Song Dynasty (960-1279).Woah!  To date, the earliest hanging coffin was one found in the Three Gorges area, dating back about 2,500 years to the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC- 476 BC).

The hanging coffin was the most widespread form of burial in ancient southwest China. However, the practice ended with the mysterious disappearance of the Bo People. Those who came after knew them from the hanging coffins and the paintings they left behind like faint echoes on the cliffs. Their ancient flowering of culture like that of the Maya is no more. That more hanging coffins.
During the later years of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial army cruelly oppressed the ethnic minority peoples of Sichuan and Yunnan. In particular, the Duzhangman and Bo Peoples fell, victims of massacre. To escape their oppression, the Bo migrated to new locations. They hid their real names and integrated into other ethnic groups. Like their culture they have disappeared but their descendents are still here for they are a part of us.

So look back at your roots...perhaps you are part of the Bo clan.
Be aware. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

There is more than meets the nails...

I went shoppimg with my mom..the other day. Then I noticed the beatiful nail polish bottles...the magnificent colours...and the different brands. Later I the 'nail' topic was brought up at school so I was asked to look for infomation on this accessory.

AND GUESS WHAT?! There is more than meets the finger.

According to 'ehow':

The Dangers of Nail Polish: The Chemicals.
Although most nail polishes contain a variety of chemicals, the one that's received the most scrutiny is one called dibutyl phthalate or DBP. DBP is a member of a group of substances known as phthalates, chemicals which are added to plastics to soften and make them more malleable.

 Phthalates are of concern in humans because they have the potential to disrupt hormone levels in the human body and potentially cause birth defects in children and cancer in humans. They've also been demonstrated to cause liver toxicity in rats and are thought to play a role in childhood asthma. Phthalates are of such concern that they've been banned from use in cosmetics in Europe. Unfortunately, our FDA hasn't been so quick to respond and continues to allow this chemical to be added to nail polish as well as other cosmetics.

Read more: How to Understand the Dangers of Nail Polish |

Doesnt this just make you say ' OMG!' and begin to wonder why you are changing...hormonelly.

Other than that,

OPI Products, Inc. is the largest manufacturer of nail polish and nail treatment products in the world. Headquartered in California, their distribution spans over 70 countries including the United States and countries throughout Europe and Asia. Their products are sold primarily in nail salons, beauty supply stores and specialty spa salons.

Although OPI Products, Inc. claims to be the "leader in professional nail care," they lag behind other major manufacturers of nail polish and nail treatment products in eliminating the use of dangerous chemicals in their products. Some of these chemicals are known or suspected to cause cancer or reproductive harm. According to the Environmental Working Group's report Skin Deep, the world's largest database of chemicals in cosmetics, some of the most toxic products of the more than 14,000 products listed are made by OPI.

By the way, Be More Aware.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Be more aware...

Deodorant can cause breast cancer!  Woah!  YIKES!!!
Alright, so I was flipping threw a few old issues of the Consumer magazine when my eyes caught a picture of deodorants of different brands. The article was about breast cancer and deodorants.
Aluminum-based compounds are used as the active ingredient in antiperspirants. These compounds form a temporary plug within the sweat duct that stops the flow of sweat to the skin's surface. Some research suggests that aluminum-based compounds, which are applied frequently and left on the skin near the breast, may be absorbed by the skin and cause estrogen-like (hormonal) effects. Because estrogen has the ability to promote the growth of breast cancer cells, some scientists have suggested that the aluminum-based compounds in antiperspirants may contribute to the development of breast cancer .
So dudes and dudets out there...BE MORE AWARE